Strategic Improv Laboratories

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In celebration of our 1 year anniversary, SIL2K has assembled a collection of some of our best game piece performances from the past year. It's entitled "SIL2K Plays Games" and you can get a copy for yourself at the Monday night shows for only $10. Featured are Stuart McLeod's "Caged" and "Pulse/Impulse", John Zorn's "COBRA" and Robert Henson's "Graffika". There is a limited run of 300 of these discs, and they have wonderful cover art by Carl Farrow. Pick up yours today!


MP3.com rejected our COBRA: Turntables post attempt - they thought it was too controversial! Enjoy some mad skillz by DJs RockStarMatt, D-Rage, soultheft., Aaron, Slinky, FloorMatt, LabRat and jjustice. The files are large, but worth the wait!


We've selected some of our best moments and compiled them in to a CD titled "Game Pieces - Volume I". It has 9 tracks, which are all available on our MP3.com site. There are Hi Fi and Lo Fi versions available to download, and you can order a CD right from that site! Here are the available tracks:



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